By the waters of Babylon, or in the wilds of America, there is a special beauty in the elusive moments of light. Golden hour photography offers unique opportunities that our skilled team of photographers are ready to catch and make permanent. Your memories; skillfully, professionally rendered.
All you need are the photographers of Studio 858 to to help you plan that special time. Call us at 314-395-3906 to schedule your appointment!

The fields are alive with the sound of music, and you are Julie Andrews running through the alpine meadows transported by joie de vivre into a higher plane of happiness. Well, gosh, you really ought to have a great photographer there to catch the moment!
That’s when you need to call the skilled photographers of Studio 858 to record you for posterity! Call us at 314-395-3906 to schedule your appointment.

Portraits don’t have to happen in our fabulous studio. Sometimes the outside world is in fabulous mode, and the colors, scenery and exotic locations beckon us to them and we are powerless to resist.
That’s when you need the skilled photographers of Studio 858 to record the day for posterity. Call us at 314-395-3906 to schedule your appointment!

Down in the city, where the lights are bright, there is something calling to you in the shadows of the night. Atmosphere aplenty, and the opportunity to include iconic landmarks; another great way the Studio 858 team delivers fabulous photographs!
We’ve got a lot of great city scenes to choose from, so call us at 314-395-3906 to schedule your appointment!