St. Louis' only rental photographic darkroom! Our spacious darkroom with 4 enlarger bays, each capable of handling negatives up to 4x5 inches, and all the tools you need to process negatives and prints up to 20x24 inches in size will have you saying "This is the place!"
Three options: Rent by the hour for just $30 per hour, get a 90 day pass good for 10 hours (a mere $200), or rent by the month (2 month minimum) and get 12 hours for the same low $200! Black and white chemicals are provided, you only need supply the film to develop and photo paper for prints.
Click here to schedule your darkroom time:

Developers for film and paper, stop bath, fixer, washing agent, and photo-flo as a drying aid are all present and accounted for as you marshal your forces for your photographic campaigns.
Click here to schedule an hour in the darkroom:
Click here to purchase an 10 hour darkroom pass:
Click here to purchase a 20 hour monthly darkroom subscription:

We've put time and temperature at your command, and we provide all the other accouterments of the darkroom so essential to photographic happiness. Measuring graduates, stirring rods, thermometers, print tongs, photo trays from 8x10 to 20x24, easels, enlarging magnifiers, contact printing frames, timers and a lot of tools whose existence you never imagined await your command. Yep. This is the place that makes film photographers happy!
Click here to schedule an hour in the darkroom:
Click here to purchase an 10 hour darkroom pass:
Click here to purchase a 20 hour monthly darkroom subscription:

8x10 to 20x24; come learn to make beautiful silver images from your negatives. We start with the negative, cleaning it gently before putting it into the enlarger, focusing the projected image on the easel, placing the paper into the easel, making the exposure and then running the prints through the chemical baths.
Click here to schedule an hour in the darkroom:
Click here to purchase an 10 hour darkroom pass:
Click here to purchase a 20 hour monthly darkroom subscription:

Darkroom subscribers can stay and scan their images or prints on our Epson scanner and digital copy cameras.
Click here to schedule an hour in the darkroom:
Click here to purchase an 10 hour darkroom pass:
Click here to purchase a 20 hour monthly darkroom subscription: