Individual photo lessons from Studio 858

Sometimes you need someone to walk you through what you need to learn. When the lesson is photography or video, we're the ones to turn to! In our studio or on location, we offer personalized learning sessions for individuals and groups, and you can pick the area of interest.

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The Great Outdoors

Nature, landscape, night photography, lights of the city, anything you want to learn about getting great images in the world outside, we can help you learn. Give us a call and tell us what you want!

Here's the # - 314-202-8054

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Under a Roof

Inside photography is hard for lots of folks; the light frequently won't cooperate with the photographer! So, we've got some tricks to show you that will help you master photographing events, studio and location portraits, architecture, and all other inside types of photographs.

Reach us here: 314-202-8054


Help with equipment

Lots of photographers spend too much on equipment because they really don't know what they need. That's why you need a consultant! Tell us what you want to do in the way of photography and we'll help you get the most bang for the buck!

Call us at 314-202-8054

Photography Classes St Louis