It was a lazy Saturday and though work seemed to go really s l o w, the day was rushing past. It was late in the afternoon when I packed wife and dog into the car and drove to Jefferson lake to prowl for photos.
Rigby, the mostly noble and protective hound, proceeded to race excitedly around trees and water and anything else he could find. I intervened as he was dragging my wife into the lake, and told him in no uncertain terms that he was not to get mama wet. Still, I had to repeat my instructions a great many times. He will, generally, stay still beside me when I give him the command, but the park was so exciting he would occasionally forget and jerk my camera hand down just as I was framing a photo.
But it was the sort of day that brings everyone out, and there they were, wandering around the park! Photographers with their subjects, young couples, runners, cyclists, Boeing interns and more! Did I tell you I found the land of the mulberries? Yum!