I hope you didn’t miss the African Arts Festival. There was a lot of great food, African Art, various artifacts and lots of books! I bought a book about dads for my grandsons (who have a fabulous dad) and the author signed it for me. Oh the people I met! All of them interesting and unique. It makes me want to sing their names as a song! We’ll lay down a beat with steel brush on snare and disc, put in a walking bass line, have the keyboard sound out a bit of a melody and them top it off with a dash of saxophone. Here goes:
Mia with her smile so bright,
Moszelle and John Sanders
Older couple living right.
Kevin with the skull cane,
should have been on Soul Train,
Kwame and Renaissance,
Could step out and start to dance!
Little Kacie and her dad Ron
I could not help but smile upon.
Tammy of the painted face,
A lovely lady, full of grace.
Antione, Brandi and Dakota
Completes my list, well sorta.
There were others. Once you start making new friends, it’s kinda hard to stop!